Avidhrt is the best device for tracking your heart health. This system is patented and FDA approved, take a look at some of our research.

Adira is an all-encompassing app that considers the whole body and how it changes throughout our monthly cycle.

Rayon is an app that tracks your exposure to RF Radiation sources like cell phones, cell phone towers, WiFi routers, and Bluetooth transmitters.

Avidhrt is the best device for tracking your heart health. This system is patented and FDA approved, take a look at some of our research.

PhotosynQ was founded on a recognized need for a more accessible scientific instrument for plant phenotyping. Together, the PhotosynQ platform and MultispeQ instrument are an answer to this need.

WonderCert provides on-demand reviewers to credentialing organizations. The project focuses on creating a place where organizations can invite issuers to create credentials for them and manage their own credentials and reviewers.

Wizdn is a knowledge-sharing platform for learners. We believe education should be more than individual achievement, it should be about sharing and collaborating.